securing the economic rights of all americans

We're committed to realizing a society where economic rights are protected, growth opportunities are accessible to all, and innovative strategies are employed to tackle the complexities of modern economic challenges.

"a second bill of rights"
Learn about FDR's most radical speech

digital agency

our mission

To build an inclusive society where economic security is not merely a distant dream but an attainable reality for all.

Our vision is rooted in the belief that fair income, fulfilling work, quality healthcare, and excellent education should not be luxuries, but accessible facets of everyday life for everyone.


what are

economic rights?

Economic rights are fundamental human rights that pertain to individuals' access to essential resources and opportunities for economic well-being, including the right to work, fair wages, housing, healthcare, and education.

Useful & remunerative job

Ensuring employment that is meaningful and pays fairly.

Adequate earnings

Guaranteed fair income to meet basic & recreational needs.

Free trade for businesses

Supporting businesses' rights to trade freely.

Decent, affordable housing

Advocating for affordable, safe housing for all.

Adequate medical care

Ensuring access to quality healthcare for all.

Financial Security

Protection from financial insecurity due to age, illness, accident, or job loss.

Free access to a good education

Promoting access to quality education for everyone.​

read our economic rights faq sheet

faq page

economic rights council

50-state initiative

Our Fifty-State Initiative is a call to action for leaders to form local Economic Rights Council chapters across America. Together, we can drive change locally and nationally, advancing economic rights and fostering a prosperous, inclusive society. Join us!

interested in setting up a local chapter?

let's talk!


our latest thinking

News, insights, and commentary on progress and setbacks in the fight for economic rights and libereal values, nationwide.

Blog Post

The 7 great challenges of our time

Awe traverse the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century, a multitude of significant challenges confront us. These challenges, intricate and interconnected, span across various domains of human existence — technology, economics ...


An ode to American dynamism: What the next 25-years will bring

It is the spirit of entrepreneurialism, innovation, and risk-taking that has allowed American businesses and individuals to thrive and succeed. As the world continues to evolve and change, the future of American dynamism ...


All it takes for evil to triumph is for Democrats to do nothing

The quote “all it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing” has been attributed to various sources throughout history, but its meaning remains as relevant today as it was centuries ago.

help secure our economic rights

apply to join the council

We're expanding our team. If you're interested in joining our non-profit Board of Directors, or otherwise getting involved, we'd love to hear from you.

Submit your Letter of Interest Today!